Dino Villegas research distinguish as Highly Commended in the JMM

Dino Villegas article  From the Self to the Screen: A Journey Guide for Auto-Netnography in Online Communities has been distinguish as Highly Commended in the JMM 2018 Best Paper Awards. In determining the awards, Associate Editor nominations were combined with Editorial Office data and the Editor’s recommendations. Criteria considered included originality of contribution and contribution to theory and/or practice.

8 Ways to Tell Your Most Compelling Brand Story

Ben & Jerry’s. Nike. Toms Shoes. Yeti. These brand names likely bring to mind vivid images of their products and thoughts of their brand story. Dr. Dino Villegas recently shared his expertise on creating a compelling brand story with DailyMarketingHub. Visit the following link to check out what he had to say! http://dailymarketinghub.com/8-ways-to-tell-your-most-compelling-brand-story/ 

Journal Must-reads from Robert Kozinets in MSI

Professor Robert Kozinets share a list of must-read research for the section “Curations from Our Academic Trustees” of the Marketing Science Institute. In this list was included “From the Self to the Screen: A Journey Guide for Auto-netnography in Online Communities” by professor Dino Villegas published in the Journal of Marketing Management. Read the entire list in the following link: http://www.msi.org/articles/journal-must-reads-from-robert-kozinets-usc/

Doing auto-netnography on online communities

Dino Villegas proposes a 6-step Journey Guide for Auto-Netnography that can be used in online communities in social media by practitioners, organisations and scholars. Big data? Think again. If big data look at the accuracy when researching social media, netnography – as proposed by professor Robert Kozinets – looks into the big picture, the complexity of connections, cultures and meanings and the real human behind the screen. One type of netnography is auto-netnography, where the

Environment activists call out levi’s as a major polluter

Is there a damage to the brand? Dino Villegas, Marketing Associate Professor-practice, Texas Tech University feels, it’s a brand that has been able to maintain relevance for more than 160 years. But now Levi’s is an easy target on pollution and even if this particular attack does not have an immediate effect on brand equity, other attacks in the future can be damaging. Keep reading on fashionatingworld.com 

Dino Villegas’ Research Seeks to Understand Social Interaction in Contemporary Digital Contexts

My article on Auto-Netnography was feture in the Rawls College of Business News site: Dino Villegas, Ph.D. and associate professor of practice in the Area of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, published “From the Self to the Screen: A Journey Guide for Auto-Netnography in Online Communities,” in the Journal of Marketing Management (JMM) on March 2. JMM , the official journal of the Academy of Marketing, is a double-blind peer-reviewed