
My research interests are focused on Viral Marketing, Content Strategy, Social Media Effects, Linguistic Style, and Marketing; I am also interested in Business Education.

Articles published in academic journals.

  • Marin, A., Parvatiyar, A., Mitchell, R. K., & Villegas, D. (2023). From Lab to Market: Learning Entrepreneurial Marketing Through Multi-Semester, Stage-Gate, Capstone Project in STEM MBA. Journal of Marketing Education, 45(3), 226-246. 
  • Villegas, D., & Marin, A. (2022). Bilingual brand communities? Strategies for targeting Hispanics on social media. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 31(4) 586-605 .
  • Villegas, D. (2018). From the self to the screen: A journey guide for auto-netnography in online communities. Journal of Marketing Management34(3-4), 243-262. (Category 4, Rawls College, Journal List).
  • Villegas, D. (2009). ¿Se está gestando una nueva teoría estratégica desde Iberoamérica? Revisión y comparación del campo anglosajón e iberoamericano.( Is a new strategic theory being developed from Ibero-America?). ZER: Revista de Estudios de Comunicación- 14(27).
  • Villegas, D., & Kemp, A. (2007). Estudio de caso. Comunicación Corporativa en empresas chilenas. Chasqui: Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación, (100), 76-81.
  • Villegas, D. (2006). Problemas de comunicación en las transnacionales. (Communication problems in transnational corporations). Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación, (96), 70-75.
  • Villegas, D. (2006). Para una Dimensión Relacional/Simbólica de la Estrategia. Aportes de las teorías del discurso. (For a Relational/Symbolic Dimension of Strategy). FISEC-Estrategias, 2, 61-72.

Articles published in books, books chapters and books

  • Villegas, D. (2020). Political netnography: A method for studying power and ideology in social media. In Robert V. Kozinets and Rossella Gambetti (Ed.), Netnography Unlimited Understanding Technoculture using Qualitative Social Media Research (1st ed., pp. 16). Routledge.
  • Villegas, D. (2020). Integrated Marketing Communication: A Practical Approach / Second Edition (2nd ed.). Kendall Hunt.
  • Villegas, D. (2009). Modelo de Relaciones Comunitarias (Community Relations Model). In Rafael A, Perez and Sandra Massoni. Hacia una Teoria General de La Estrategia. Ariel Ed.
  • Villegas, D. (2006) Hacia una Revolución desde la Comunicación (Toward a Revolution from Communication) in Management Updates. Universidad Vina del Mar.

Presentations, Conferences and Guest Lectures 

  • 2020 Marketing: Dialogues and reflections on possible futures. FISEC, Webinar Futuribles*
  • 2016 Oops! And now what! Twitter, brands and discourses in real time. First web meeting FISEC, Central University, Santiago, Chile *
  • 2013 Proposals to strengthen the industry. ASIMET: Annual Industry Forum. Santiago, Chile *
  • 2013  Strategic Communication and Social Media guest lecture at Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile*
  • 2012  The new strategic Theory in Practice. X Meeting, Iberoamerican Forum on Communication Strategies. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. *
  • 2011 Ideas for rethinking companies from communication
    IX Meeting, Iberoamerican Forum on Communication Strategies:
    Rethinking Strategy – From Conflict to articulation. Belo Horizonte, Brazil*
  • 2011  Strategy: New Models and Ideas, guest lecture for the PhD in Communication class at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. *
  • 2010 The New Strategic Theory applied in companies”. Communication Club. Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile*
  • 2008  Strategize in organizations. First meeting, FISEC Chile at the Universidad Diego Portales. Santiago, Chile*
  • 2006  Strategize for a dialogue market. Tools and Contributions to the New Strategic Theory. Presented at the IV Iberoamerican Meeting on Communication Strategies, Granada-Spain. *

Articles in Professional Magazines, Newspapers, Websites and Others

  • 2016  Co-Created Brands. Brand management in social media, DIRCOM, 109, Argentina
  • 2015  Company Dialogs in turbulent times. Walic Magazine, Chile*
  • 2014  Chile All Ways Changing: A look into the Chilean Wave of Reforms. Latin American Research Center of the University of Calgary, Canada.
  • 2011  Rethinking Business as Social Actor. DIRCOM, 92, Argentina*
  • 2007 Lead with stories. RRHH Magazine, Spain
  • 2006  Precious Metal. Challenges and Opportunities in Chilean Mining, DIRCOM, 6, Argentina*
  • 2006  Management by Communication, Aprende RH Magazine, II/13, Spain*

Other Relevant Research Projects 

  • 2013   University of Calgary (School of Public Policy). Background research for a conference on Energy Markets and Resource Development in Chile.
  • 2007  Researcher (Coordinator) for the Stakeholders perception of “Schools of the Future” project. Microsoft/ Fundación Chile/ Universidad Mayor. *
  • 2005   Project leader: Homeless National Assemblies. Red Calle/ Chilean Government. *
  • 2001  Co-Researcher. Designing a communication model for evaluation of the news coverage for nationals companies. Universidad Mayor. *

Thesis Direction

  • 2013 Review and Analysis of a Crowdsourcing applications in a Chilean political campaign through the Model of Genome of Collective Intelligence. MBA. IEDE Business School *
  • 2013 Service Quality Model applied to the Vending Industry in Chile. MBA. IEDE Business School *
  • 2012  Review of the impact of the ISO 9000 implementation in the area of HR. Master on Human Resources. Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello. *
  • 2012 The influence of social networks in the emergence of new models of business. Master on Marketing. Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello. *
  • 2012 Appreciative Inquiry a case study. Master on Human Resources. Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello. *
  • 2012 Analysis of the impact of training on performance. A case study. Master on Human Resources. Universidad Nacional Andrés Bello. *

* Original titles in Spanish